Articles, Podcasts + Research

Agrista’s summer round up

A seasonal newsletter summer insights: wool, wisdom & winning opportunities!
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The Profit Gap

Why producers who measure and improve outperform the average. An article written by consultant Juan Martín Dutra da Silveira.

Understanding cost of production

It’s a good time to really understand your cost of production. An article written by John Francis, Director Agrista.

Agrista’s spring round up

A seasonal newsletter containing articles, updates, workshops, and more.

Why stay in wool sheep?

Investigating and comparing various farm enterprises with wool sheep.

Is there still a profit in wool? 🧶

Improving what you know delivers more value than moving to what you don’t.

Pathways to Profit in Goat Businesses

Improve your business performance by understanding and optimizing production costs.

Mary Had a Little Lamb, It’s Fleece Was Worth Bugger All.

Agrista’s farm benchmarking data shows prime lamb enterprise profits are lagging.

Emission Dynamics in Self-Replacing Merino Businesses

Exploring Carbon Emissions in Self-Replacing Merino Businesses.

Comparison of $ Performance in Commercial Breeding Enterprises

Internal variability trumps inter-enterprise differences.

Prime Lamb Under Pressure and Benchmarking for Success

The key drivers impacting profitability for prime lamb producers.

Enhancing Emissions Intensity Measures in Beef Production

This article highlights the impact of livestock systems on net emissions and emissions intensity. 

AgTalk S4E3 – Back to Basics – Focusing on Farm Profit Drivers

Dave Cornish talks with John Francis about getting back to basics and Farm Profit Drivers.

Making good decisions – Analysing contributions to profit

Presented to the GRDC Farm Business Update by John Francis, Director Agrista

Facing the ‘dynamic duo’: Strategies for falling prices and rising rates

An article for AuctionsPlus by John Francis, Director Agrista

How to optimise feed

A discussion with AuctionsPlus by John Francis, Director Agrista

You can’t have it all but the right KPIs can help maintain profitability

A discussion with AuctionsPlus by John Francis, Director Agrista


Is now the time to consolidate?

Written, researched and analysed by John Francis, Director Agrista

Leasing vs buying land assets for livestock grazing

Written by John Francis, Director Agrista


Boosting your Farm’s Profitability

Agrimasters Boots Off Log On! Explore the fundamentals of the farm business environment.


Buy or Lease? The critical question.

Dave Cornish talks with John Francis to discuss this often-asked question. #AgTalk Podcast

Farm productivity and profitability

Looking at the disharmony experienced when making important decisions under pressure.

Rethinking investment on farm

A discussion on finding production efficiency through internal rather than external investment.

Scaling up crop enterprises #1

What creates more wealth: a small land purchase or a large land lease?

Scaling up crop enterprises #2

Part 2: Lease big or buy small – what wins?

Scaling up crop enterprises #3

Production, economies of scale, lease cost and capital gain – what matters most?

Scaling up crop enterprises #4

Does a land value premium for small scale land purchases drive a significant difference?


Add a slice of lime for tastier profits

Liming acid soils for livestock production – a new business case using production research. 

Regenerative Agriculture: an Australian farm advisor’s perspective

Division of opinion, principles, and awareness.

Yarded Rangeland goats ready for drafting

Goat levy, industry and producer performance indicators

An MLA funded project.


Business case for leasing vs buying land assets for livestock grazing

To conduct a comparison of leasing (as a tenant) vs purchasing there needs to be clarity surrounding whether it is scale or value of capital invested.


Regenerative Agriculture – Quantifying the cost

This paper in response to financial analyses presented in the research report commissioned by the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program (NESP).
