Webinars + Podcasts

Productivity & Profitability series

The Productivity & Profitability series presents new and topical information to help southern producers increase the success of their businesses.

Beef, sheep and goat producers can listen to a diverse range of expert speakers present webinars and podcasts to aid on-farm decision making. Plus, producers will find relevant resources and MLA programs to continue their learning journey.

The Productivity & Profitability series is back for 2023 with live webinars held monthly as well as podcasts. To register to attend and receive notifications of upcoming webinars, please follow the link below.

Podcast Library

Our Podcast Library

Listen to all the MLA Productivity & Profitability podcasts here.

Upcoming Speaker

Webinar Library

Gordon Refshauge – fertility and fecundity in the Australian sheep flock between 2006 + 2019

This webinar is about fertility and fecundity in the Australian sheep flock between 2006 and 2019.

Tim Gole – BredWell FedWell: Setting your breeding flock up for success

This webinar is about BredWell FedWell: Setting your breeding flock up for success.

Ed Riggall – Integration of livestock into mixed farming systems

This webinar is about managing livestock through the non-growing season. including utilising stubble, and confinement feeding as a tactical management strategy to manage the feed gap and allow pastures to establish.

Natalee Johnston – Performing under Pressure

This webinar is about Performing under Pressure: when seasonal conditions throw up operational challenges and decisions must be made, what can you do to manage high workloads and pressure?

Deb Scammell – Mineral supplementation for beef and sheep

This webinar will cover what the options are for mineral supplements and how to assess cost-effectiveness.

Mark Ferguson – Cattle, complexity and change

This webinar covers several topics including embracing change in agriculture, what a successful farm business will look like in the future, and available and emerging technologies that will add value to livestock businesses.

Elke Hocking – Top Tips for Top Heifers

This webinar brings findings from various MLA funded projects focusing on managing the health and reproductive performance of heifers to optimise whole herd productivity.

Callen Thompson – Growing beef from diary

This webinar features Callen Thompson who is a consultant with AgSTAR Projects, working with producers, advisors and industry professionals to improve on-farm outcomes through targeted extension.

SPECIAL EDITION – Managing the late break in 2024. A Failed Autumn.

This special edition episode features Dr Shane Thompson from Holbrook Vet Clinic, Ed Rigall from AgPro Management and Felicity Turner from Turner Agriservices.

Sally Martin – eID: does it really add value? How to us eID to efficiently collect and use data

This webinar features Sally Martin, the principal of SheepMetriX, a consultancy business servicing seedstock and commercial livestock producers.

Anne Collins – Maximising Dorper reproductive performance in challenging environments

This webinar features Anne Collins, principal of AC Ag Consulting with 30 years’ experience working with livestock industries in Australia.

Jason Condon – How can producers make liming decisions on their properties for maximum returns?

This webinar features Dr Jason Condon, Associate Professor in Soil Science at Charles Sturt University.

Shawn McGrath – Dual purpose crops. Do they add value?

This webinar features Shawn McGrath who is a is an agricultural scientist and Senior Research Fellow at the Gulbali Institute at Charles Sturt University.

Cam Nicolson – The ‘so what’ of carbon in agriculture

This webinar features Cam Nicholson who is a director of Nicon Rural Services, a consulting business near Geelong working.

Sally Murfet – Human agronomy in agricultural businesses

This webinar feature Sally Murfet who is the Chief Inspiration Officer at Inspire AG – a renowned people and culture consultancy 100% focused on the Australian agriculture industry.

John Francis – Assessing and managing business risk

This webinar features John Francis who is the Director of Agrista located in Wagga Wagga.

Jill Kelly – Containment feeding of livestock

This webinar features Dr Jillian Kelly who is the founder of Animal Health and Nutrition Consulting.

Basil Doonan – Spring pasture management

This webinar features Basil Doonan who is a Partner and Technical Director with Pinion Advisory.

Dr Penny Schulz – How to incorporate genetics into a value chain approach

This webinar features Dr Penny Schulz of Schulz Livestock located in South Australia.

Phil Graham – Seasonal Update: Forecast Implications

This webinar features Phil Graham, of Graham Advisory.

Mick Hay – How to attract and keep good staff

This webinar features Mick Hay who is the Managing Director of Rimfire Resources.